Dear friends,
On behalf of our family, I’m writing to thank you for your generous donation for my great-grand daughter, Elaina. Elaina, was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, stage 4 cancer, she and her mother have been at CHOP in Philadelphia since March of this year. After going through 3 weeks of chemotherapy and 3 stem cell transplants, Elaina is in remission.
Presently Elaina is in rehab learning how to walk and talk. It’s been a very long journey and it will continue to be one, until Elaina gets on her feet again. We lave learned to take it day by day. Financially it has been a strain on her parents. Thank you can never express our sincere feelings toward you and your foundation. Because of you, Elaina had an extra special holiday. Thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you! May today and everyday beautiful things happen to you!
Nancy (Elaina’s Great Grand Mother)