We are so honored to receive a donation from the John Shapiro Superhero Foundation to support our family while Gwen takes on her battle with brain cancer. It will allow us to be less stressed financially while we are out of work to care for Gwen. Just a month shy of her 4th birthday Gwen was diagnosed with an Anaplastic Astrocytoma brain tumor and we are two months into her treatment. We attended the walk this year and experienced the love of the volunteers and all that attended – it was amazing to hear about John’s journey and his spirit, that is still carrying on in his name.
Thank you so much for giving us this donation – we are truly blessed to now be a part of John’s Superheroes!
With love,
Gwen’s parents
Superheroes Note: Sadly, Gwen passed away on July, 25th, a month after she turned 4. We are honored to have been able to be part of her journey, if only briefly. Please keep Gwen’s family in your prayers.