Thank you, John Shapiro’s Superheroes. You have made such a difference in our lives. My daughter, Hailey, was diagnosed with her brain tumor many years ago. She has undergone many things to stop the tumor from growing – surgeries, radiation, and many, different chemotherapies. Her treatment has left her with many chronic health issues. We spend a lot of time traveling back and forth to numerous doctors’ appointments managing her many health issues. Appointments, therapy and school leave Hailey with little time to do fun things. Health insurance helps us cover some, but not all, of the medical costs. Many things that could help are not covered by insurance.
Hailey is doing horseback riding therapy which is exercise needed to prevent her muscle weakness and tone issues, but she sees it as more fun than anything else. We are also looking to get Hailey a service dog to help her become even more independent. Your donation is helping us cover some of these costs.
Thank you so much!
– Lisa Giguere